

At Annunciation we believe that science education enables students to make informed decisions about both their lifestyle and the environment. Science education prepares students for the workforce, it encourages them to develop inquiry skills and to “ respect and share responsibility for the local and global environment.” Through science education students will also learn to appreciate the contributions that other cultures have given to scientific development.



Through learning science students will:

  • acquire scientific skills and conceptual knowledge
  • acquire and use the skills of scientific investigation, reasoning and analysis ton ask questions and seek solutions.
  • develop scientific attributes, for example, flexibility, curiosity, critical reflection, respect for evidence and ethical considerations.
  • recognise and understand the strengths and limitations of science.
  • be able to interpret and communicate scientific ideas effectively.
  • appreciate the dynamic role of science in social and technological change.




At Annunciation science is developed as part of our Inquiry Process based on a two year cycle. This cycle is derived from the Victorian Curriculum Framework.

In order to implement an effective science program we:

  • use appropriate scientific vocabulary to describe and explain observations and phenomena.
  • encourage students to question and discuss their ideas.
  • provide opportunities for students to examine simple devices.
  • provide a variety of textual, electronic and other resources for students to explore.
  • encourage students to relate scientific ideas to their own experiences.