Active and effective participation in Australian society depends on the ability to speak, listen, read, view and write with confidence, purpose and enjoyment in a wide range of contexts. The study of English, and the broader concept of literacy, is about the appropriate and effective use of language as a means of learning and the development of knowledge about language. Through language use, students convey and discover information, work through ideas and express feelings. Students learn how language works and how to use it well.
Learning about texts and language is important to the personal and social development of the individual. Students need to understand and control the English language to develop the confidence and competence to meet the demands of school, employment and further education. The knowledge and skills of English are essential to people who contribute to political, social and cultural life and are active and informed citizens.
In English, students are actively involved in reading, viewing, writing, comparing and talking about texts. Students are encouraged to explore and engage with a range of literature, everyday and media texts from their own and different cultures, to take pleasure in using texts to explore ideas and to think critically about their own world and the global community. Knowledge about how language functions and how it both reflects and shapes social attitudes assists students to achieve a better understanding of themselves, their culture and the contemporary world. They are then able to use the texts they read and listen to, as resources in creating and constructing their own texts.
Teachers use the Victorian Curriculum Framework to ensure all students are taught content that meets the Victorian Standards.
The Literacy program aims to develop in students:
- The ability to speak, listen, read, view and write effectively with confidence, purpose and enjoyment.
- A knowledge of the ways in which language varies according to context, purpose, audience and content, and the capacity to apply this knowledge.
- A knowledge of the linguistic patterns used to construct different texts, and the capacity to apply this knowledge, especially in writing.
- A broad knowledge of a range of texts and a capacity to relate this to aspects of contemporary society and personal experience.
- The capacity to discuss and analyse texts and language critically.
- A knowledge of the ways textual interpretation and understanding may vary according to cultural, social and personal differences, and the capacity to develop reasoned arguments about interpretation and meaning.
- To provide contexts for learning that will enable children to develop control over written language and enjoy using it so that they can interact effectively in a literate society.
- To encourage and allow critical thinking and to be able to “read between the lines”.
- To provide a program in which reading, writing, speaking and listening are integrated in a supportive and stimulating environment.
- To encourage students to take control of their reading.
- To encourage students to use and be aware of strategies for reading. ?To help children to bring meaning to their reading.
- To provide real situations that requires the use of written language.
- To provide children with structure and guidance when writing.
- To give children opportunities to choose their own topics, purpose and audience.
- To provide meaningful contexts for children to engage in writing.
- To provide a balance between various forms of writing.
- To enable children to communicate through writing.
- To allow time for children to practise their writing skills.
- To create a positive and supportive climate in which children are encouraged to engage in writing.
- To encourage the effective use of resources in order to spell accurately.
- To utilise spelling rules where appropriate.
Speaking and Listening
To provide meaningful experiences that challenge the students to:
- express opinions, think, make hypotheses, speculate, express doubts, draw conclusions, question, make comparisons, explain, listen and respond.
- To develop co-operative attitudes and behaviours when interacting with others.
To promote effective communication across all curriculum areas.