The Arts


The arts are practised and valued in our society as important outlets for the communication of ideas, feelings and beliefs and as major sources of intellectual, physical, spiritual and emotional development, understanding and enjoyment. Comprehensive and sequential learning experiences in the arts during schooling provide individuals with necessary skills, understandings and confidence to participate fully in the arts throughout their lives.

Through arts practice students learn to develop ideas by drawing upon experience, exploring feelings, observing and researching. In order to then communicate these ideas students will also learn the elements, principles, processes and techniques as well as the cultural and aesthetic values associated with specific art forms.

In responding to the arts, students learn to analyse and interpret arts works. They form personal judgments of their own works and those of others.



Through an arts program students:

  • develop their intellectual, imaginative and expressive potential through the arts.
  • develop skills, techniques and a knowledge of processes as a basis for personal expression.
  • create, perform or present art works.
  • enjoy participating in the processes of creating, presenting and responding to the arts.



The Visual Arts program provides practical activities in all areas of the visual arts and each year builds on the skills, understandings and awareness gained from the previous year.

The Performing Arts Music Program provides practical and theoretical activities in all areas of the performing arts and each year builds on the skills, understandings and awareness gained from the previous year.