Bullying. No Way!

At Annunciation teachers, parents and children are firmly committed to putting an end to acts of bullying.


Anti-Bullying Policy



Bullying is a pattern of behaviour by one person or more towards another which is designed to hurt, injure, embarrass, upset, or discomfort that person. It can be:

  • physical aggression;
  • the use of put-down comments, insults or gestures;
  • name-calling;
  • damage to the person’s property;
  • deliberate exclusion from activities;
  • the setting-up of humiliating experiences.

(Reference: “Friendly Kids, Friendly Classrooms” - Helen McGrath)



That everyone in our school community:

  • feels safe within the school;
  • can expect to have a safe learning and playing environment;
  • experiences a non-abusive school setting.


Steps to be followed when an act of bullying has been reported or observed:

  • Teacher speaks with all relevant parties to ascertain whether an act of bullying has occurred.
  • Student or group sent to time out area (log or classroom).
  • Teacher fills out relevant sections on pro-forma.
  • Student or group remains in time out area until relevant section on the pro-forma is completed at earliest possible convenience.
  • Completed Proforma is given to the Principal.
  • Principal signs pro-forma and places it in an envelope addressed to parents.
  • Proforma is taken  home for parents to read and sign.
  • Pro-forma brought back to the Principal on the next school day.
  • Principal files and records the offenders name, victim’s name and dates the entry.
  • Principal to follow up non-returned pro-formas with a phone call to parents.
  • When three entries have been filed for a particular child, a meeting is called with the Principal, parent, child and classroom teacher.


  • Teacher giving out anti bullying form needs to notify the classroom teacher.
  • If the time for completing the pro-forma is inconvenient, student is sent to Principal or Deputy to complete the form.
  • The teacher may need to help the child complete the Pro-forma.
  • Pro-forma only to be used for Bullying misdemeanors not general misbehaviours.
  • Decide on support for victim and offender - continual follow-up.
  • Proformas located in staff room pin-up board – Admin Area.
  • Part-time staff need to be instructed in procedures on Anti-Bullying.

Classroom Implications

  • Need to teach children how to fill out the pro-forma.
  • Establishment phase in classrooms at the beginning of the year is very important.
  • Need to highlight social skills to deal with bullies and play happily with others. Examples:


                        playing fairly

  • Implement Social Skills Program from “Friendly Kids, Friendly Classrooms”.

School Implications

  • Professional Development Þ Personal Safety Program.
  • Peer Support.


Bill Rogers Video Pack

“Friendly Kids, Friendly Classrooms” - J McGrath



  • Vision Statement
  • C.E.C.V. Pastoral Care Policy
  • Behaviour Conduct Statement (School policy Book Pg. 35)
  • Student Welfare & Support Group Policy


School Rules

Gospelvalues are the foundation stone upon which the school rules are based.

  1. To act and speak in a respectful and courteous way.
  2. To be truthful and honest.
  3. To resolve conflict in a constructive and positive way.
  4. To act with fairness.
  5. To act carefully and safely at all times.
  6. To be friendly, accepting and tolerant towards others.

To treat property with respect.