Mathematics is a study of relationships. It has applications in all aspects of our lives, at home, as citizens and in the workplace. It crosses social and linguistic boundaries and provides a universal way of solving problems in areas such as science, technology, the arts, business, and in everyday activities.
At Annunciation we believe that the acquisition of mathematical skills and knowledge provides students with the essential tools required to actively and successfully participate in daily life. We aim to develop an understanding of the relationships that exist between numbers and spatial elements and the role of mathematics in society.
We believe that mathematics should be taught from a base of concrete experience on which abstract ideas can emerge. Students can then begin to appreciate the patterns and relationships between numbers. At all levels we endeavour to draw on the students’ knowledge in order to link mathematical concepts to the real world.
Teachers use the Victorian Curriculum Framework to ensure all students are taught content that meets the Victorian Standards.
At Annunciation mathematical concepts are taught using the Victorian Curriculum Strands:
In order to implement an effective mathematics program we:
whole class instruction,
small group activities,
one-to one assistance,
partner work and
independent operations.
At Annunciation students learn mathematical facts, carry out mathematical procedures, engage in mathematical problem-solving and use mathematics to describe and understand the world. Consequently our students are immersed in activities that develop their:
Practical ability in measuring, estimating and making efficient use of calculators, computers and other mathematical tools, eg; protractor, compass, ruler, stopwatches, trundle wheel.