

(Reviewed March 2018)


A healthy balance of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure is important for health. Too much UV from the sun can cause sunburn, skin damage, eye damage and skin cancer. Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Two in three Australians will develop some form of skin cancer before they reach the age of 70. Overexposure to UV during childhood and adolescence is known to be a major cause of skin cancer. Sun protection is needed whenever UV levels reach three and above. In Victoria average UV levels are three and above from the beginning of September to the end of April. During these months particular care should be taken during the middle of the day between 10am – 3pm when UV levels reach their peak. Too little UV from the sun can lead to low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D regulates calcium levels in the blood. It is also necessary for the development and maintenance of healthy bones, muscles and teeth.



The goals of the SunSmart Policy are to:

  • Ensure that all children and staff maintain a healthy UV exposure balance.
  • Encourage the entire school community to use a combination of sun protection measures whenever UV Index levels reach 3 and above.
  • Encourage safe UV exposure whenever UV Index levels are below 3.
  • Work towards a safe school environment that provides shade for children, staff and the school community at appropriate times.
  • Assist children to be responsible for their own sun protection.
  • Ensure that families and new staff are informed of the school’s SunSmart policy.

From September to April in Victoria

When average UV Index levels reach 3 and above.

  • Children and staff use a combination of sun protection measures whenever UV Index levels reach 3 and above. Particular care is taken between 10am and 3pm when UV Index levels reach their peak during the day.
  • Our SunSmart policy is considered when planning all outdoor events e.g. assemblies, camps, excursions and sporting events. Where possible, we have outdoor activities or events earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon, or we try using indoor venues.

1. Shade

The school makes sure there is a sufficient number of shelters and trees providing shade in the school grounds particularly in areas where children congregate e.g. lunch, outdoor lesson areas and popular play areas.

  • Shade provision is considered in plans for future buildings and grounds.
  • The availability of shade is considered when planning excursions and all outdoor activities.
  • Children are encouraged to use available areas of shade when outside.
  • Children who do not have appropriate hats or outdoor clothing are asked to play in the shade or a suitable area protected from the sun.

2. Clothing

  • Sun protective clothing is included in our school uniform / dress code and sports uniform.

3. Hats

  • Children and staff are required to wear hats that protect their face, neck and ears, i.e. legionnaire, broad brimmed or bucket hats, whenever they are outside.

4. Sunglasses

Children and staff are encouraged to wear close fitting, wrap around sunglasses that meet the Australian Standard 1067 (Sunglasses: Category 2, 3 or 4) and cover as much of the eye area as possible.


5. Sunscreen

As some children have allergies to some sunscreens, we ask that each family be responsible for their own children’s sunscreen needs.

Children are reminded to apply sunscreen before going outdoors.

Parents are encouraged to teach their children how to safely and effectively apply their own sunscreen.


Role modelling

Staff act as role models by:

  • wearing sun protective hats, clothing and sunglasses when outside
  • applying SPF 30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen
  • seeking shade whenever possible

Families and visitors are encouraged to use a combination of sun protection measures (sun protective clothing and hats, sunglasses and sunscreen) when participating in and attending outdoor school activities.


From May to August in Victoria

  • When average UV Index levels are below 3.

To help maintain winter vitamin D levels, sun protection measures are not used from May until August unless the UV Index level reaches 3 and above.



Information on skin cancer prevention and healthy UV exposure levels is included in the curriculum for all year levels.

  • SunSmart behaviour is regularly reinforced and promoted to the whole school community through newsletters, school homepage, parent meetings, staff meetings, school assemblies, student and teacher activities and on student enrolment.


  • The school and staff regularly monitor and review the effectiveness of the SunSmart policy (at least once every three years) and revise the policy when required.
  • Next policy review: 2020

Relevant Documents / Links

1. Victorian Government Schools Reference Guide: 4.5.11 Skin protection

2. Building Quality Standards Handbook (BQSH): Section 7.5.5 Shade Areas

3. Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 Sections 21 and 23: Main Duties of Employers Section 25: Duties of Employees > Laws and Regulations > Acts and Regulations

4. Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC): Guidance Note for the Protection of Workers from the Ultraviolet Radiation in Sunlight

5. SunSmart UV Alert (issued whenever the UV Index reaches 3 and above) or

6. Sun protection:

7. UV and vitamin D:


Annunciation Catholic Primary School

promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.