At Annunciation Primary School we value Respect – for God, for oneself, for one another, for the physical environment and for the broader community in general. This respect should be evident in our day to day life.
We value Self discipline as a key to personal growth by:
We recognise that working together with others (ie. Interdependence ) is often more beneficial than acting out of self interest.
We also value a sense of fair play. We encourage and expect everyone to work through problems, disagreements and conflict. We do this by attempting to find solutions that are based on fairness and respect for the rights of others. We do not condone nor accept violence, discrimination or unfair manipulation of others.
Strategies for Implementation
Step 1:
Identification of problem or difficulty by teacher or parent. An initial discussion takes place between relevant parties to attempt to resolve the issue.
Teachers are required to document these meetings if deemed necessary. A copy of the minutes of the meeting are to be placed in the students file to be sent to the teacher the following year. A duplicate copy should be sent to the office file.
Step 2:
Teacher discusses with Principal concerns that have been raised. A decision is made as to whether:
a) the issue has already been satisfactorily resolved.
b) future developments are required.
Step 3:
If a), then monitor the issue.
If b), further action may include:
OR a combination of the above.
The Program Support Group caters for children with social, physical, emotional, intellectual and academic needs. Minutes of PSG meetings are recorded on a “Pro Forma” and a copy of these minutes is filed in the office.
Step 4:
Ongoing review – usually through PSG meetings each term or when otherwise stated.
Confidentiality is integral from all parties to the Student Welfare process.